4 Battling Rope Exercises

There are a lot of fitness enthusiasts in the world that love to do the same exercise routine day in and day out. One reason is that they don't have an arsenal of routines to choose from, or they just don't know what else to do.

Participating in the typical weight-resistance routine with loaded weights, plates or barbells is great, but what about other functional exercises? Well, this is where we want to introduce you to the battle ropes.

More: Functional Core Training

Below are four exercises that you can incorporate into your workout routine. But start out slow and then progress the speed and power based on your fitness level.

Isometric Wide Squat With Two Hands on One Rope

In this exercise start in a wide squat and use both hands to whip only one rope up and down. This exercise is going to work your shoulders, biceps, core, legs and your cardiorespiratory system.

  • Do one set of 20 to 30 reps.

As a reminder, rest if you need to and then continue.

Note: A partner might have to hold the other rope so it doesn't move, or you can put a weight on it.

More: Strength Train With Squats