3 Calorie-Burning Activities to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain

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The string of work parties, family get-togethers and dinner parties that fall around the holidays are long on sweet and salty treats, decadent desserts and savory dishes and short on nutritious, well-balanced meals.

Even the most disciplined eaters can get caught up in the revelry and have a hard time turning down desserts or a second helping of cheesy potatoes.

But who says you have to? Indulging from time-to-time is acceptable if you have a plan in place to counter those extra calories with exercise. Follow these tips that will teach you ways to fit in calorie-burning activities to keep you healthy even during the holidays.

More9 Holiday Activities for Kids

Team Up

Not only does the holiday season mean food and family, but it also means football. From college to NFL, there are tons games on television all day. Some people even organize their own Turkey or Holiday Bowl. It's like the Super Bowl of backyard football games for friends and family.

So round up the kids, neighbors and friends for a game of your own. Pick teams, make uniforms, put on eye black, and have fun with it. While you're at it, make this game a tradition. Get a trophy for the winners that changes hands every year. They'll also get bragging rights for the entire year. A 30-minute game of touch football can burn about 300 to 400 calories—that's a slice of pie. So grab a ball, gather your team, and get this game going.

More7 Tips to Stay Healthy During a Football Game