10 Tips to Fall Into Fitness

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7) Limit Your Alcohol Intake

Alcohol poses a number of problems. It is high in calories and lacking nutrient value. Some researchers have also suggested that because alcohol is metabolized in the body first, any food consumed in combination with the alcohol will be more easily converted to fat. And finally, and probably most importantly, alcohol reduces your inhibitions. You may be more inclined to indulge or make poor choices because you aren't able to think clearly or examine the long-term consequences. It's not necessary to decide to never drink again, but instead of drinking every night with dinner, limit it to a few times per week.

8) Increase Your Daily Activity

Try to think of ways that you can be more active throughout your day without having to actually exercise. The calories expended from walking a few extra blocks, taking the stairs, or performing errands the old-fashioned way really add up! If we could learn to just be more active throughout the day, we wouldn't have to spend hours in the gym.

9) Try Not to Eat Large Amounts of Food Past 8:00 pm

Eating late at night often goes hand-in-hand with high-fat snacks and overeating. Secondly, it never feels good to go to bed on a full stomach.

10) Keep an Activity and Food Log

Record your daily exercise and what and how much you eat. Some researchers have found that just the act of recording the foods you eat results in better choices and a healthier diet. Also by writing everything down, you may also start to notice patterns. For example, you may observe that the days you don't exercise are also the days you eat poorly. You can then take appropriate action.

It's also a good idea to set daily goals to break the long-term ultimate goal into smaller chunks and to keep your goals in the forefront of your thoughts. Be sure that your goals are behavioral in nature (good examples: drink eight glasses of water, exercise for 30 minutes) instead of body-focused (poor examples: lose one pound, lose 10 inches).

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