Basketball Coaching Clinic NAYS Online Only
Falmouth Community Programs 190 Middle Rd Falmouth, ME 04105 Organized by Falmouth Community ProgramsAbout this event
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Basketball Coaching Clinic NAYS Certification Mandatory for ALL Basketball Coaches.
Being certified to coach a youth sport is highly recommended and a requirement of facility usage. The certification is now done completely online.
Those coaches volunteering in the FCP Yourh Basketball Program will be credited the cost of the certification on their account once proof of completion has been submitted,
Coaches who have been certified in basketball before will need their member number in order to simply renew their certification.
Coaches receiving certification for the first time will need to complete the entire course including modules in first aid and safety, Coaching Youth Sports, and the Youth Basketball Module for Under 10.
Those coaches who have been certified in a sport through NAYS other than basketball will need to simply add the basketball training to their certification.
Chapter Director: Matt Gilbert, NAYS Location: ONLINE ONLY (coaches training)
Coaches must complete certification before the season begins
FMI: Contact Matt Gilbert at