Fun with Clay Sess 2 Hot Cocoa Mugs GR 3 - 5
Before and After Dark 75 Alden St Duxbury, MA 02332-3878 Organized by Town of Duxbury Recreation DepartmentAbout this event
We're sorry, but this activity is over. The last meeting was Thursday, November 14, 2024.
Do you love to work with clay? Create a hand built mug to welcome in winter! Mugs are glazed with food safe glaze. Class one is creating and class two is glazing. Projects will be returned to Alden main office the following week for pick up. Each session students will work on a different theme, so sign up for one or more sessions. All materials and supplies included. Max students: 12 Instructor: Paula Borg
3rd - 5th
Alden CAF