Next Steps: Creating a New Future
East Columbia 50+ Center 6600 Cradlerock Way Columbia, MD 21045 Organized by Howard County GovernmentAbout this event
We're sorry, but this activity is over. The last meeting was Friday, November 15, 2024.
An engaging, interactive program focusing on issues and transitions often encountered after retirement and from new aging demands. Topics covered are: identifying barriers and struggles; recognizing individual strengths; building self-esteem and confidence; making new choices; and creating positive thinking for the future. Attendance is recommended at all sessions, each session covers different material and personal action plans are highlighted. Facilitated program, sponsored by SeniorsTogether. Free.
For more information contact Karen Hull, Howard County Office on Aging & Independence, 410-313-7466 (voice/relay) or
Age Group/Camp
Adults 50+
Classroom 2