Painting Light: Advanced Level 3 & 4
BBAC Campus 1516 South Cranbrook Road Birmingham, MI 48009 Organized by BBACAbout this event
We're sorry, but this course is over. The last meeting was Tuesday, December 3, 2024.
Painting Light: Advanced - Level 3 & 4
Instructor: Tim Widener
This class takes the intermediate painting student to the advanced level for a greater understanding of how to use light to create atmosphere, mood, and radiance in an Impressionistic, suggestive manner. Both traditional and contemporary techniques are taught and encouraged in the student’s work. A live model will be posing for one, all-day session during this late fall term. Media: oil, acrylic, watercolor, and pastel.Level 3 & 4Tuesdays, October 22 - December 39:00 am – 3:30 pm, 7 all-day sessions$478 Members, $518 Guests, $18 model fee
Painting Light: Advanced- Level 3 & 4
Instructor: Tim Widener
Oil, Acrylic, Watercolor & Pastel can be used in this class.
If this is the first time taking this class, bring a few samples of your work (if possible.)
For the first day, please bring:
- a tarp to cover the floor or table are you are using each weekPaint ColorsNaples YellowCadmium LemonCadmium OrangeViridian GreenThalo Green Deep ShadeUltramarine BlueCobalt BlueMagentaAlizarin CrimsonPhthalo BlueYellow OchreBurnt SiennaBurnt Umber
BrushesHogs' Brush Filbert - #2, #4 and #8
Other-Canvas to paint on 18” x 24”-Turpenoid or Gamsol (no turpentine, odorless turpentine, mineral spirits, odorless mineral spirits, or paint thinner)-Linseed oil-Palette tray or paper palette-Rags and small jars
Course Medium
Studio 4 at BBAC Campus
Timothy Widener