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January 17 - March 21, 2025

Painting: Contemporary Landscape - Level 2+

BBAC Campus • 1516 South Cranbrook Road BirminghamMI  48009 Organized by BBAC

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Painting: Contemporary Landscape - Level 2 & Up
Instructor: Edward Duff

This class will cover the basic foundations of landscape painting with a focus on atmospheric perspective, accurate color mixing, composition, and photo interpretation. Through demonstrations, individual instruction, group critiques, and lectures on the history of landscape painting to the present, students will be encouraged to find their own personal direction as they create contemporary works of art. Demonstrations will be done in oil. Oil, acrylic, gouache, and watercolor painters are welcome.
Prerequisite: Previous painting experience is recommended.
Fridays, January 17 - March 219:00 am - 12:00 pm, 10 sessions$326 Members, $366 Guests
PAINTING: CONTEMPORARY LANDSCAPEInstructor: Edward Duff Email: ecdart@yahoo.com
Listed below are all the recommended supplies for the class.Please purchase only the materials marked with an asteriskfor the first day. On day one, I will go over the materials listand answer any questions. Art supplies can be expensive,so I have listed the basic materials you will need with costin mind. You will see some brand names marked in boldbelow which I recommend. Please purchase though whatis in your budget.
I will be doing all demonstrations with oil paint. Acrylic, watercoloror gouache painters are welcome in the class. I will work withstudents individually based on their preferred medium.Please note you only need to purchase the materials for yourpreferred medium.
Important: Bring a variety of photo reference to work from.I recommend you bring photos that you have taken yourself.If you do not have any images of your own, please researchcopyright free image databases online such as Shutterstock,Pixabay and Unsplash. No working from cell phones.Tablets and laptops are acceptable. *

Materials List
Oil Painting Materials
Oil Paint:Titanium White *Chromatic Black (made by Gamblin) or Ivory Black *Cadmium Yellow LemonCadmium Yellow MediumAlizarin Crimson (Permanent)Cadmium Red LightManganese Blue or Cerulean BlueUltramarine Blue
1 small sketchbook *1 folder for handouts *1 graphite pencil (2B) *1 kneaded eraser *
1 – 9” x 12” or 12” x 16” pad of Arches Oil Paper.Canson Canva-Paper or Mixed Media Paper primed foroil paint will work as well. Do not purchase canvas pads.They are un-stretched pieces of canvas and are moredifficult to work on and transport. *
1 drawing board (15” x 16” or larger) to affix the abovepapers to for studies *
Pre-stretched canvas, canvas panel or primed wood panels(Raymar and Ampersand Gessobord are good options).You will not these until later in the term. We will discuss what tobuy at that time.
1 palette (9” x 12” or 11” x 14”) – I recommend a glass palette.For a cheaper alternative to store bought palettes, you canbuy a smooth glass cutting board and spray paint one sidewith a matte medium grey acrylic paint. Disposable palettepaper will also work. I recommend Richeson Grey Matters. *
1 Masterson Sta-Wet Palette Seal (16” x 12”) Blue Lidto transport your palette in. You do not need to the buythe paper or sponge *
1 palette knife *
1 brush cleaner with lid. You can purchase either a stainlesssteel airtight brush cleaner or a Silicoil plastic / glass one.Blick carries a variety of options in-store and online. *
Several small metal cups for holding odorless mineral spiritsand paint medium. I recommend Martin & F. WeberMuseum Palette Cups *
1 – 33.8 fl oz. bottle of Gamblin Gamsol Odorless Mineral Spirits *
1 bottle of oil painting medium. You can buy a ready-made kindsuch as Winsor & Newton Artist’s Painting medium, or makeyour own using a 50/50 split of Gamblin Gamsol OdorlessMineral Spirits and Gamblin Refined Linseed Oil stored in ajar with a screw top lid.
1 roll of artists tape or 1 pack of poster tack for affixingoil paper to your board.*
1 roll of paper towel. I recommend Scott Shop Towelswhich can be found at most autobody shops, Costco,Home Depot and Walmart.*
Brushes: During the term will be using a variety offilberts, flats and rounds / both natural hair and syntheticin assorted sizes. We will discuss brushes during ourfirst class and I will make additional recommendations. *
For our first class you will only need the following brusheswhich can be found at Blick and are relatively inexpensive.If you can’t find these exact brushes try to find ones of asimilar size and shape. You can also buy a starter pack ofbrushes. Blick offers these in both synthetic and natural hair.Also, please bring what you already have and I will look themover and make some suggestions.
Blick Scholastic #12 Filbert - Synthetic Blue Handled BrushesBlick Scholastic #8 Filbert - Synthetic Blue Handled BrushesBlick Scholastic #6 Flat - Synthetic Blue Handled BrushesBlick Scholastic #2 Round - Synthetic Blue Handled Brushes

Acrylic Painting MaterialsPlease note that Golden now makes a line of paints that staywet longer called Open Acrylics. These are great for theirblending ability and working time. For traditional acrylicpaints I recommend Utrecht and Liquitex Heavy Body.
Acrylic Paint:Titanium White *Ivory Black *Cadmium Yellow LemonCadmium Yellow MediumAlizarin CrimsonCadmium Red LightManganese Blue or Cerulean BlueUltramarine Blue
1 small sketchbook *
1 folder for handouts * 1 graphite pencil (2B) * 1 kneaded eraser *
1 – 9” x 12” or 12” x 16” pad of Canson Canva-Paper or Mixed Media Paperprimed for acrylic paint. Do not purchase canvas pads. They are un-stretchedpieces of canvas and are more difficult to work on and transport. *
1 drawing board (15” x 16” or larger) to affix the above papers to for studies *
Pre-stretched canvas, canvas panel or primed wood panels(Raymar and Ampersand Gessobord are good options).You will not these until later in the term. We will discuss what tobuy at that time.
1 palette – You can purchase a Masterson Sta-Wet PremierPalette (Red Lid) made specifically for acrylic paints, or makeyour own version using an enamel butcher’s tray (sold at Blick),a roll of white greaseproof paper, a small spray bottle, and a thinsmall cloth towel or roll of paper towel *
1 palette knife *
Several large plastic cups for holding water and brushes –large yogurt / cottage cheese containers work well *
1 bottle of acrylic medium of your choice – Liquitex Slow-DriBlending Fluid Medium is a good option. Golden Open Acrylicmakes and Acrylic Gel Medium, Acrylic Medium and aThinner for use with their line of slow drying acrylic paint *
1 spray bottle *
1 roll of artists tape or 1 pack of poster tack for affixing oilpaper to your board. *
1 roll of paper towel. I recommend Scott Shop Towels whichcan be found at most autobody shops, Costco, Home Depotand Walmart. *
Brushes: During the term will be using a variety of filbert,flat and round synthetic brushes in assorted sizes. We willdiscuss brushes during our first class and I will make additionalrecommendations. Please see the specific brushes neededfor our first class under oil paint.*

Watercolor & Gouache Painting Supplies
Watercolor Paint:Please note that the colors listed below are for tube paints.Most cake and pan sets come with a basic palette of colors.These can be a cheaper alternative to tubes.
Chinese White*Ivory Black*Cadmium Yellow LemonCadmium YellowCadmium Red LightAlizarin CrimsonCerulean or Manganese BlueUltramarine Blue

Gouache Paint:Permanent White*Ivory Black*Cadmium Yellow LemonCadmium YellowCadmium Red LightAlizarin CrimsonCerulean or Manganese BlueUltramarine Blue
1 small sketchbook *1 folder for handouts *1 graphite pencil (2B) *1 kneaded eraser *
1 – 9” x 12” pad of 140 lb or higher watercolor paper.You can choose Cold Press (textured finish) orHot Press (smooth finish). *
1 drawing board (15” x 16” or larger) to affix the abovepapers to for studies *
1 palette – If you choose to use tube paints – John Pike makesA good palette with a snap top lid. Most cake and pan sets willhave small wells to mix paint, but I still recommend a slightlylarger palette in addition for mixing. *
Several large plastic cups for holding water and brushes –large yogurt / cottage cheese containers work well *
1 bottle of masking fluid (only needed for watercolor paint)1 spray bottle *1 roll of artists tape *
1 Crepe Rubber Cement Pickup (only needed for watercolor paint)
1 small cheap brush for applying masking fluid (onlyneeded for watercolor paint)
1 roll of paper towel. I recommend Scott Shop Towelswhich can be found at most autobody shops, Costco,Home Depot and Walmart. *
Brushes: As watercolor brushes can be very expensive,you can purchase a set to cut down on cost. I wouldrecommend trying to find a variety of brushes in assortedshapes and sizes.
Here are some recommended brushes:Mop brush, Large Round, Small Round, Small Detail &Medium Flat Wash

Where to PurchaseThe majority of the above supplies can be found atBlick Art Materials. There are stores in Dearborn, Detroitand Royal Oak. Please feel free to email me if you haveany questions.
Blick Art Materials – 28878 Woodward Ave, Royal Oak(248) 548-7679
Additionally you can purchase materials online fromany of these suppliers:Jerry’s ArtaramaCheap Joe’sJudsons Art Outfitters

Course Medium



Studio 2 at BBAC Campus


Edward Duff


January 17 - March 21, 2025

9:00 AM to 12:00 PM


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Age and Gender

Ages 18-255 · Co-Ed


BBAC Campus

1516 South Cranbrook Road BirminghamMI  48009

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