Landscape Drawing II Thu AM- Bryan
CAC Studio F 135 Chastain Park Avenue, NW Atlanta, GA 30342 Organized by City of Atlanta Department of Parks, Recreation, and Cultural AffairsAbout this event
This activity is on hold to further registration.
LANDSCAPE DRAWING II IN COLOR / Bryan ThompsonThursdays from 10 AM - 1 PM
Sep 12 - Nov 1410 Weeks
This Landscape Drawing course is a continuation of the first course where we will draw various natural landscapes, complete preliminary design drawings and thumbnails, and achieve the illusion of atmospheric perspective and depth, but this time with color! The class will learn how to accurately draw natural elements such as trees, grass and various vegetation, large and small landmasses such as mountains, clusters of rocks, water, clouds etc. We will be using Pastel Pencils for this course. View the supply list here
If you would like to enroll after the registration window has closed, please email
Activity Sub-Category
Art - Drawing
CAC Studio F at Chastain Arts Center and Gallery
Bryan Thompson