Adult Tennis 201 (NTRP 2-2.5 Coed) SU 130pm 9/8-10/15
Pioneer High School 601 W. STADIUM BLVD ANN ARBOR, MI 48103 Organized by Ann Arbor Public School SystemAbout this event
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Rec & Ed Tennis offers a rewarding Adult recreational pathway that allows players to develop skills in a fun and social environment. If a player does not have a racquet, instructors will have loaners at class. Rec & Ed Tennis follows the USTA Code of Conduct.
Please note -- all classes / programs are subject to change.
Learn To Play / Return to Play Tennis 101 and Tennis 201 are specifically designed for adult beginners, or adults returning to the game after a prolonged hiatus. Classes offer fun, progressive drills & games, singles & doubles play, and introduce basic rules & etiquette.
TENNIS 201 Beginner/Adv Beginner NTRP 2.0-2.5, CoedTennis 201 is for ‘graduates’ of Tennis 101 or advanced beginner level players returning to tennis. Refine your strokes, gain consistency, and generate more spin, depth and power from the baseline. This is the “bridge” between beginners and our 2.5-3.0 level clinics and leagues.
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Classes are held outdoors. Please dress appropriately.There is no building access.
For weather or facility related cancellations, please view Tennis Calendar. We will email if time allows.
Pioneer Tennis Courts - 4 at Pioneer High School