How Tri Veterans and Fitness Rookies Can Exercise Together

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For every triathlete there's often a supportive spouse or partner with less ambitious fitness goals waiting at the finish line. Believe it or not, it's possible for endurance junkies, in the midst of training, and their athletically-challenged loved ones to exercise together.

Whether you're an uber-athlete or a mildly athletic couch potato, here are some tips for making your group fitness outings fun, challenging and effective.

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How to Survive a Day With an Uber Athlete

Tip No. 1: Be Up Front About Your Limits and Expectations.

Have a brief conversation with your uber-athlete partner about expectations, limits and even your insecurities before embarking on a morning ride or run. In short, keep it positive but realistic, and make sure you're on the same page.

Uber-athletes can get caught up in the idea of inspiring others to get active. That enthusiasm can quickly spin out of control and suddenly you're being coached and regaled with their numerous athletic achievements.

So a friendly reminder that this outing isn't aimed at recreating one of their grueling training sessions can avoid frustration down the line. The outing should be about two people heading out for a few hours on the bike or on the trail for fun. Records will not be broken.

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Tip No. 2: Stop Worrying About Holding Them Back

Your endurance junkie loved one is riding or running with you because they want to. As long as you've been up front about the outing, stop worrying about your pace.

That doesn't mean you shouldn't push it a little bit. Uber-athletes can be great sources of motivation and will probably push you harder than if you were on a solo ride or run. But keep it in perspective and leave those insecurities at home.

Tip No. 3: Consider Meeting Them Half Way

If the idea is to make these outings more frequent, keep your endurance athlete's schedule in mind. If they take a long ride every Saturday morning as part of their endurance training, make plans for them to swing back by the house or a meeting place in the last section of their ride. A tired endurance athlete and a fresh, energetic fitness rookie is the perfect match.

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How to Survive a Day With a Fitness Rookie

Tip No. 1: Remember Your First Training Session

That hilly 10-kilometer trail run might be a leisurely adventure for you now. But try to remember a time when such a run would have been more challenging. Remember the pain and sense of accomplishment of finishing it.
Now, try to think about how annoying it would be if your running partner kept exclaiming how easy the trail was or how they'd be forced to get in another workout. No one wants to be reminded of their shortcomings. Keep it positive and don't make it about you. 

Tip No. 2: Keep It Fun and Interesting

It's your first big ride or run together. Don't forget the power of an interesting route. A boring path or barren street can make the pain seem worse and the miles seem longer.

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As an uber-athlete, you've probably taken your bicycle through half of the city and know the best running trails. Pick the route that's full of interesting sights and isn't just one giant slog uphill. Maybe the route is through a particularly neat neighborhood of funky homes or an off-road trail.

Whatever the route, consider breaking it up with a few well-timed breaks. That coffee shop located at the top of a steep hill; the park at the mid-way point; a scenic outlook; or even a caf? in the last mile will give your fitness rookie small goals to shoot for.  

Don't talk about how you would normally not stop so much. New athletes are already insecure enough. The outing should be one-part training and two parts sightseeing. The more fun the ride, the more likely the rookie will want to join you again.

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Tip No. 3: Pick the Day Wisely

You're an endurance athlete, so it's reasonable to assume that you have a workout schedule. That outing with your athletically-challenged loved one shouldn't do double-duty as your weekend long run or ride.

Your best bet? Pick a day, to exercise together, that would normally involve a light workout. You won't be worried about missing an important endurance training session and your partner won't feel guilty that they're holding you back.

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