Training Alternatives for Injured Runners

Theresa Juva-Brown
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Swimming/Pool Running

Dust off that swimsuit and take a dip in the pool.

A water workout is great because it helps with both anaerobic and aerobic capacity and keeps your mind engaged, North says. 

Her pool workout: 

300-meter easy swim
Dynamic stretches (Do not hold the stretches as you would on land).
1. 4 x 100 meters. Swim your stroke of choice with "moderate to easy" effort for 100 meters. Take 45 seconds of rest between each 100.
2-minute recovery after last 100. 
2. 8 x 50 meters. Alternate between moderate and easy efforts. Take 30 seconds of rest between each 50.
2-minute recovery after last 50. 
3. 16 x 25 meters. Alternate between moderate and hard efforts. Take 15 seconds of rest between each 25.
2 minutes recovery after last 25.
4. 300-meter with moderate effort.
2-minute recovery.
5. 200 meters easy cool-down.

If traditional swimming isn't your style, you can try aqua jogging, also known as pool running or deep water running.

In the deep end of the pool, swing your arms and sweep your legs forward and back under you as if you are running.   

To mimic a hard interval run, Corkum suggests an easy 5 to 10-minute warmup jog, followed by eight sets of two-minute "hard" jogs, followed by two-minute rest periods. At the conclusion of your eighth set, cool down with another easy 5 to 10-minute jog.