How Yoga Can Prevent Back Pain

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Salabhasana: Locust Pose

Lie on your belly with your arms along side your torso, palms face up. With your feet together, rotate the thighs inward. Inhale; lift the head, upper torso and legs off the floor. The hands can lift up or remain grounded. The lower ribs, belly and front of the pelvis will be resting on the floor. Activate the legs and reach through the toes while reaching forward through the torso and crown of head. Inner thighs stay together and big toes turn toward one another. Gaze forward off the tip of the nose, keeping the neck long. Stay in here for five breath cycles, come down, and repeat two or more times.

Benefits: The pose strengthens the muscles of the spine, glutes and backs of the arms and legs. It stretches the shoulders, chest, belly and quadriceps as well as improves posture, stimulates abdominal organs, and helps to relieve stress.

More: Yoga Poses for Tight Shoulders

Dhanurasana: Bow Pose

Girl doing yoga pose

Lie on your belly with your arms along side your torso, palms face up. Bend your knees and reach back to grab your ankles. Keep knees hip-width apart. Inhale, lift the knees up and lift the thighs away from the floor. Your head and upper torso will also come off off the floor. Continue to lift the knees and thighs upward and press the feet into the hands to help deepen the stretch. Gaze forward. Breathe deeply to open the chest and draw the shoulders down. Stay here for five breath cycles and repeat two or more times.

Benefits: The bow pose stretches the entire front of the body, ankles, thighs, groin, abdomen, chest, throat and deep hip flexors (psoas). It strengthens the back muscles and also improves posture.

Matsyasana: Fish Pose

Girl doing yoga pose

Lie on your back with the legs bent and feet on the floor. Inhale, lift your pelvis slightly and slide your palms face down under your glutes. Exhale the pelvis down onto the hands; keep your glutes down during the pose. Make sure the forearms and elbows are on the floor close to the sides of your torso. Inhale; press your forearms into the floor to lift the chest up, arching the back and lifting the head. Exhale; place the back of the head or crown to the floor. Keep the knees bent or slide your feet out straight. Press your inner thighs together and activate the legs. Breathe deeply into the throat and chest for five breath cycles.

Benefits: The fish pose stretches the deep hip flexors and the muscles between the ribs. It stretches and stimulates the muscles and organs of the belly, front of the neck and the organs throat. The pose also strengthens the muscles of the upper back and back of the neck and improves posture.

More: Top Yoga Retreats and Vacations Around the Globe

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