10 Ways to Avoid Getting Sick Year Round

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No matter the time of year, germs and bacteria are in the air. It's so easy for you to catch the flu or cold if you don't take care of your health. Here are 10 easy ways to protect your immune system and avoid getting sick.

Eat Your Vitamins

Notice I didn't say, "take your vitamins." Be sure to eat the nutrients you need to maintain a healthy immune system. Try to eat foods that give you an abundance of vitamin C like oranges and broccoli. And make sure to get your omega-3 fatty acids, which can be found in salmon and other fish.

MoreNutrition Quick Tip: Get Your Vitamins From Real Food

Lower Your Stress Levels

Exercise is a great way to lower your stress level because it gets your blood flowing and allows you to let off some steam in a big way. Take a class at the gym, join an outdoor boot camp, or follow an exercise DVD in the comfort of your home. Just be sure to get moving so you can relax and relieve stress. Too much stress puts you at an increased risk of developing cancer, heart disease and diabetes.

More6 Signs of Stress and Tips to Relax

Monitor Your Alcohol Intake

Too much of a good thing is still too much. If you find that you're drinking to get drunk and not to enjoy a nice glass of wine or a social cocktail, it may be time to take action. Overuse of alcohol can deplete your body of the nutrients it needs to function properly. That can lead to a decreased immune system because heavy alcohol use can suppress it.

Exercise on a Regular Basis

Sporadic workouts won't cut it. In order to be as healthy as possible, regular exercise is key. There have been studies that suggest that even a speed walk for 30 to 45 minutes a day over a period of three months can reduce your risk for getting sick.

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