WCRC: August Senior Nutrition Program
West Charlotte Recreation Center 2401 Kendall Drive Charlotte, NC 28216 Organized by Mecklenburg County Park and RecreationAbout this event
We're sorry, but online registration is not allowed for this activity. Please contact us during regular business hours for registration information.
Mecklenburg County Senior Citizens Nutrition Program (SCNP) provides three types of nutrition services to community residents 60 years and older. They are: Home Delivered Meals, Congregate Meals and Nutritional Supplements. The goal of SCNP is to improve the quality of life of its customers by providing nutritious and appetizing meals, exercise opportunities, engaging and entertaining activities and positive, meaningful socialization. There are no income guidelines for our services and there is no cost to participate. The program is funded with a combination of federal, state, and county dollars; plus voluntary contributions from service participants. Participants are under no obligation to contribute; it is entirely voluntary.
Please contact Mrs. Modesty Thompson (980) 314-7597 for more information.
Mask coverings are optional.
Age Category
vii. Senior (Ages 55+)
West Charlotte - Multi-Purpose Room 1 at West Charlotte Recreation Center
West Charlotte - Multi-Purpose Room 2 at West Charlotte Recreation Center
Senior Center Staff/Volunteer
BRT Graduate Assistant
Sakina Zollicoffer