Youth/Teen: Grades 6-12: Character Design & Worldbuilding
BBAC Campus 1516 South Cranbrook Road Birmingham, MI 48009 Organized by BBACAbout this event
This course has been cancelled.
Character Design and Worldbuilding for Animation and More!: Grades 6 – 12
Instructor: Emy Galustyan
In this class, students get to delve deep into storytelling by developing characters
and the world they live in. We will create maps and landscapes, props and
environments suitable for gaming or graphic novels. Students will explore styles,
perspective, color, light, and materials to capture the mood of their story. Students
are welcome to work with traditional materials or digital using an iPad with Procreate.
Many students enjoy combining the two - Tradigital! A materials list will be provided
on the first day of class.
1221.52.01.25 All Levels
SATURDAYS, January 18 - March 22
12:00 pm – 2:00 pm, 10 Sessions
$260 Members, $300 Guests, $5 Material Fee
Course Medium
6th - 12th
Studio 3 at BBAC Campus
Emy Galustyan